Το Ανδρολογικό Ινστιτούτο της Αμερικής είναι περήφανο που συνεργάζεται με τις αξιότιμες διεθνείς θυγατρικές του, οι οποίες είναι ιδρυθείσα από τον Καθ. Zavos. Αυτές οι θυγατρικές εταιρείες και τα παγκόσμια κέντρα λειτουργούν με το ίδιο υψηλό επίπεδο ποιότητας και ικανοποίησης πελατών με αυτά που προσφέρονται στα κεντρικά γραφεία του Andrology Institute of America. Εν τω μεταξύ, αυτές οι υπηρεσίες και η τεχνογνωσία είναι διαθέσιμες αυτήν τη στιγμή και είναι έτοιμοι να απασχοληθούν σε οποιαδήποτε τοποθεσία και χώρα σε όλο τον κόσμο, όπως Ινδία, Ευρώπη, Κίνα, Μέση Ανατολή και άλλες εξωτικές τοποθεσίες.
Βλαστοκύτταρα Θήρας
Our mission at the clinic is based upon the principle belief that quality of life for our patients can be improved through stem cell therapy. Therefore, we stand ready to provide you with the latest and most exclusive regenerative therapies.
We are a team of medical researchers and practitioners who have an outstanding track record and are totally dedicated in offering safe and effective treatments in our point-of-care facilities. Tradition is one of our motivational goals.
Βλαστοκύτταρα Θήρας
The global effort is on! At Astramedica we proudly act as the first point of contact on people's medical journey, and we set the stage with the care, compassion, and dedication that other medical tourism services lack. We believe that healthcare is a human right that should be within reach for everyone, so we’ve built a business to make that a reality. We are joining Prof. Zavos and his global team that will take Astramedica and medical tourism to the highest level possible!
Το Διεθνές Ινστιτούτο για την Επιλογή Φύλου
The IIGS along with all its partners & Affiliates at the AIA, are the foremost Sperm Sorting, PGD Gender Selection and Oocyte Donation referral center in the World. Prof. Dr. Zavos is one of the pioneering and world-renowned infertility experts offering Sperm Sorting-PGD services for family balancing along with all other forms of Assisted Reproductive Technologies. The Professor maintains the appropriate centers in the USA, Middle East, and other global locations where he refers all of his patients for their treatment.
Βλαστοκύτταρα Θήρας
At the Andrology Institute of Turkey, we intend to become the leaders in treating human infertility because of our unwavering dedication to all Intended Parents. Also because of the incredible reputation of our reliability and affordability to the thousands of our clients becoming parents with the help of Prof. Zavos and his incredible team, globally. Our aim is to continue this tradition of fulfilling dreams of parenthood for all Intended Parents worldwide, and now in Turkey.
Zavos Scientific
The Andrology Institute of Pakistan - MAB Institute is the leading male infertility center for andrological procedures in Pakistan, located in Lahore under the direction of Dr. Panos Zavos, the AIP combines cutting edge technologies and maintain an affiliation with the Andrology Institute of America (AIA), a World-class Center for andrological treatments. Techniques used at the AIP conform with guidelines established by the AIA, and others such as ASRM and the WHO.
Βλαστοκύτταρα Θήρας
At the Uroloji Uzmani Center, a world-class entity in Istanbul, under the direction of Prof. Bulent Sen and with the active collaboration of Prof. Zavos, Director of the Andrology Institute of America, we intend to become the leaders in treating high-level reproductive, urologic and sexual health problems. Because of our outstanding global reputation of our team members, we aim to continue this tradition by offering these services via medical tourism worldwide, and also in Turkey.
Fertility Technologies Intnl., USA
The Fertility Technologies International (FTI) is a global company with its headquarters located in beautiful Lexington, Kentucky, USA. FTI and its reproductive health affiliates work in harmony with professional integrity and unsurpassed quality with exceptional customer and patient service and sensible pricing. We take pride in serving the world and all of its reproductive needs. We are the best because we put people first.
ZDL Global, Ltd., Cyprus
Our mission is to bring about leading medical reproductive specialists and infertility experts to pool their talents to develop, teach and apply the best products and medical techniques towards the treatment of human infertility. The treatment of human infertility is our passion, and the world is our market!
Zavos Scientific, Dubai UAE
Zavos Scientific is a subsidiary of the sister company, Andrology Institute of America, with its headquarters located in the MENA Region of Dubai (UAE) with various affiliates located worldwide. Zavos Scientific and our other reproductive health affiliates aim to unify professional integrity and unsurpassed quality of products with exceptional customer service and sensible pricing.
Για να επικοινωνήσετε με οποιαδήποτε από τις παρακάτω φόρμα μας affiliates με ερωτήσεις σχετικά με τις ανδρολογικές υπηρεσίες μας,_cc781905-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_affiliates με ερωτήσεις σχετικά με τις υπηρεσίες ανδρολογίας μας,_cc781905-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_affiliates-95c bb3b-136bad5cf58d_name as subject. One of our andrology representatives will contact you shortly.